Millions of pet dogs go missing every year. A pooch running away or getting stolen could happen at any moment. An owner could have accidentally left their door open, or a loud and scary noise could cause a pup to bolt and disappear. In any case, not many of them are returned to their owners.

The ones that do get back home mostly owe it to their tags and microchips. This is the case for a dog named Honey.

Not a stray

Honey was found in Texas, wandering around the suburban community. The homeless dog was taken to a local animal shelter called City of Antonio Animal Care Services. Once he arrived there, the staff scanned him for a microchip. They found out that he had one.

It was a pleasant surprise for the shelter workers as Honey didn’t look like he was a pet. The pooch was dirty and malnourished like a stray would be. After getting the owner’s details, they called her up and told her they had her dog.

Honey was getting vaccinated by a vet when the staff was informed that the pup’s owner was already in the shelter. It had just been an hour or so since they called.

Seven years

As soon as the vet was done with Honey and got him all cleaned up, a staff member walked the dog out to their reception area. When the owner saw her pet, she burst into tears and hugged the animal. As it turned out, Honey had been missing for the past seven years.

The dog recognized his owner and showed signs that he was happy to see her again. The pooch licked his owner’s face and wouldn’t stop wagging his tail. It was evident that the dog missed his mom.

Hopefully, this time, they won’t be separated again.

Source: City of San Antonio Animal Care Services via Facebook


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