Most people do not really like doing household chores. However, a lovely Brazilian girl has found a way to make her chores become fun with the help of her intelligent and helpful canine friend.

Lassye the dog has always been close to Taysa ever since Rhany Christo and her family got the cute dog. The dog and Rhany’s daughter spent much of their time together hanging out and playing in the backyard, and over time they became the best of friends. As a mother, Rhany couldn’t be any happier.

Rhany was aware of the fact that Lassye and Taysa enjoyed doing everything together. However, it wasn’t until lately that she discovered this also included her daughter’s household chores!

One day, she requested that Taysa bring in a few of the floor mats she had washed and hung outside. Since there were several of them, Taysa had to carry them in one by one. However, with the assistance of Lassye, she devised a more effective method to do the task.

Her plan of attack was rather straightforward. After collecting each mat from the clothesline, she would temporarily suspend them on Lassye’s back, who was obediently following her. The process was repeated until the end of the clothesline was reached.

As soon as Rhany observed what they were doing, she could not help but be pleased and intrigued by their intelligence. She quickly took out her phone and decided to video what was happening.

A few seconds later, Tasya completed collecting all of the mats and gave Lassye a hug for doing a great job. She then took everything from her dog’s back and brought everything inside.

Rhany posted the video immediately on Facebook, where it quickly gained popularity and had nearly five million views!

It is reasonable to assume that the obedient Lassye is now a Facebook celebrity, owing to her affection for housework.

Source: Rhany Christo


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