Not all fluffy dogs have the same sweet story of adoptions and families taking them in. Some have to experience the hardships of being alone and at the same time, being strong in order to live and push through with the hopes of overcoming life’s struggles.

Chi chi, a golden retriever, was left to be dead in a dumpster in the country of South Korea. Ultimately, she overcame her hard circumstances and eventually grew up in the service of others, now as a certified therapy dog.

After sustaining a number of severe injuries, Chi Chi almost lost all of her 4 legs and not to mention, she was close to being dead. But, she never lost hope that someone with a good heart would be able to rescue and help her zest in life.

She was found inside a trash bag, in the dumpster when a group of rescuers discovered her. Her legs were rotting away as it was seen bound and wrapped with wires around them. Even with injuries that nearly took her life, support from rescuers and the attention and love an adoptive family provided her, gave a chance to redeem herself and enjoy what life has to offer.

With the provision of two sets of prosthetic paws and a warm personality to match, she helps others by becoming a therapy dog.

Not only for the charm, warmth, happiness and fulfillment her presence brings, Chi Chi was recognized as American Humane’s 2018 American Hero Dog for the inspiration she breathes life in.

After a surgery conducted in the purpose of amputating her limbs just above her paws, during Chi Chi’s younger years, a Facebook video circulated in the hopes of raising awareness by telling Chi Chi’s tragic start.

The Howell family saw the video and it captivated their hearts. In an instant, an arrangement followed in order to adopt Chi Chi despite the fact that no one knew how the dog would turn up after the surgery. In time, however, Chi Chi proved that with the proper love and determination, she could not only walk or run, but she was able to keep up with the pets in the Howell household.

Finding prosthetic legs were a bit of a challenge to the family. Since the legs were amputated in varying heights, they had to consult an expert. Luckily, they were able to communicate with a veterinary technician that closely works with animals’ prostheses.

Now, she visits veterans confined in a physical rehabilitation facility, children who’re only learning how to read and families on assisted-living facilities.

In a statement, Howell said that Chi Chi is a perfect example of being forgiving and resilient. She is quite open when it comes to giving love and her compassion and she does this in abundance. Her spirit is sweet-tempered and is very gentle that it helps open the hearts of people. Her spirit is perceptive and she is able to sense just right where her love is quite needed.

Over one million votes cemented Chi Chi’s recognition for the award. She bested 265 canine heroes for this prestigious event and honor.


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