It’s not uncommon to find ourselves feeling a little blue when we can’t get our way. How much harder it must be for dogs!

Dogs are often trained to do what people say in order to please their owners, which makes it very difficult if they don’t receive the same loving treatment.

This Golden Retriever named Cooper certainly felt this way when dad asked him to take only a small bite out of a snack. This soft-shelled taco’s Coopie’s favorite, so he wasn’t happy with dad’s orders.

Although Coopie’s obedience training kicked in, the sadness in his eyes when he didn’t get to enjoy it all is too much! Cooper wasn’t about to give up on getting some more of that tasty treat.

Good boy

As you will see in this video, he tried two different techniques at dad’s request. Poor guy felt so sad. Dad went ahead and took a small bite out of the taco, and he asked Cooper to take a similar bite.

The furry pet complied, and his obedience made his parents so happy. This video teaches us a lesson – being obedient brings much more happiness.

Although we do not have to obey everything people tell us to do, it pays to obey our elders.

We should be thankful for our pets’ obedience as well as their love! Dogs live for going above and beyond to please their masters.

They’d go as far as giving their lives for those they love, and it’s more than we could ever ask for.

Let’s make sure we appreciate our dogs and show them plenty of love. These fur parents had better reward their faithful and obedient Cooper. He deserves it!

We’re sending you much love through virtual hugs, doggo! Continue being obedient and loving towards your humans. Your faithfulness will be duly rewarded.

Credits to SuperCooper via YouTube


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