Getting a new pet home can be an exciting and enriching experience. However, it also requires patience during the adjusting period. To help your pet adjust, be consistent during the first few days to establish a routine, as dogs love routine and can follow a schedule.
Both need time to settle into their new home, whether a puppy or an older dog.

Read below for some tips on how to help your dog adjust and make the transition easier for you and your new pet.

Start Slow

Don’t rush things. Give your new dog time to get to know everyone in the family and explore his surroundings at his own pace. Many dogs find their new home somewhat exhausting. It may take a few days for them to adjust. This is especially true for dogs from shelters, which can be noisy and stressful.

Give your Dog His Space

Prepare a place for your dog with a comfortable bed. Look for a quiet spot or area in your house with limited access by other pets or humans. Remember that being in a new environment is scary and stressful.

Expect and Be Ready for Stomach Concerns

Newly adopted dogs will also experience diarrhea when moving to a new home. This is usually caused by stress or sudden food changes. Ask your shelter or dog breeder about your new dog’s food preference to lower the risk of diarrhea related to food changes. If you don’t like the type of food your new dog is used to, you can gradually change their food to a new one over the next 7-10 days.

Diarrhea is a common problem among newly adopted dogs, and if you think it may be caused by stress, be aware of the transition part.

Loss of Appetite

All the moving and adjustments may affect your new dog’s appetite. A dog may refuse to eat if given a new type of dog food, or if your new dog is plain shy, he might find it hard to eat in his new home.

Although a dog won’t starve itself, you can expect him to return to his good old self after adapting to his new environment.

Establish and Follow a Routine

Dog’s love routine. If you can set a schedule and follow it through, it can help your dog adapt and adjust more comfortably.

You can do it by feeding your dog at the same time every day, consistently going outside for potty breaks,

daily walking time should be done at the same time, and resting or going to bed at the same time each night.

Dog Supervision: Do it Even If You Are Not Home

If your new dog is crate trained, see that you already have a crate for him in his new home. If you need to leave him at home alone or with other pets, leaving him in a crate is a good idea.

House Training Issues

You can expect a few house training issues or accidents during the first few weeks. You and your new dog do not have the same schedule, so just be prepared. Remember that your new dog may be feeding or drinking a lot more.

Escape Attempts Are Common

Don’t leave your dog unsupervised. It should be on a leash at all times when outdoors. Dogs will often attempt to escape or run away.

Don’t Overwhelm Them

You may be tempted to introduce your dog to the rest of the family or friends. But dogs can get nervous or excited around strangers. So, if you notice any discomfort, take it slow. Before meetups, ensure your dog has access to his safe place.

Be Patient

Lastly, be patient. Depending on his background and breed, an adult dog can adjust to his new environment from a few days to weeks. Take it slow. He will soon adapt.


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