pohjakroon (CC0), Pixabay

Generally, German Shepherds get recognized for their bravery, as well as their guarding instincts. However, there is always an exception. Such an exception is this three-year-old German Shepherd named Happy, who lives in China. Happy is just not as brave as she appears.

The dog trainer and the owner of Happy, Ms. Wang, live in eastern China’s Changzhou City. One day, she shared a hilarious video of Happy on Douyin, the Chinese equivalent of a TikTok video. Her furry friend got filmed dashing for cover after stumbling upon the worst nightmare of her life, which was to be chased around by a mob of Corgi puppies. It could also be observed in the footage how the poor canine looked so distressed and anxious as she tried to scurry away from the barking puppies as they ran after her.
According to Ms. Wang, the incident happened when she was strolling with Happy and her friends outside a residential compound. She mentioned they were waiting for her friends outside when an army of Corgis suddenly sprinted out of a nearby pet shop. Happy hurriedly tried getting away from the bunch of puppies who chased after her and barked at her.
Ms. Wang’s friend filmed the whole scenario, from the time when Happy scurried for cover as the Corgis pursued her relentlessly up to when she ran to hide between her owner’s legs, apparently hoping she would get protection. Luckily, the shop workers got the puppies and calmed them down.

Wang uploaded the video on social media, and it went viral. In an interview, she mentioned that Happy was naturally timid and trained to be sociable. She also said that since her German Shepherd was still little, Happy was taught not to be hostile towards others.
The video of Happy and her story melted the hearts of many people from across the internet. They got touched by the dog’s reaction and deed. Some even commented that maybe Happy was running away from the puppies to avoid stepping on them and scaring them off.

Source: Emilia Jiang via Daily Mail


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