Being a new dog parent is exciting. It’s like you and your pup are sharing an adventure novel with both of you. You are allowed to get to know a different creature quite intimately. In turn, you learn more about yourself.

If you have survived the first few weeks of raising a dog, you must soon take a crucial step.

We are referring to weaning. Weaning is how you shift your pup’s diet from mom’s milk to store-bought food for the pup. Experts have differing takes on the best time to jump-start this transition.

Wean time


Some breeders and vets agree that it is most appropriate to start weaning when your pup is three weeks old. Others point out that leaving pups alone with their mother’s milk until their fifth week is best.
Remember that weaning depends on several factors, including your puppy’s size and breed. Smaller dogs, for example, must wait until they are five weeks old before they can be weaned.
Gradual weaning is the only way to go. It should always be timely. Doing the latter poses a lot of risks. For instance, the abrupt dietary transition can make your pup’s digestive system bonkers. Indeed, you do not want to clean after your pup’s bouts with diarrhea.
To be sure, you must be guided accordingly during the weaning process. Your pet’s vet can help you out here, so do not hesitate to consult with them. Also, remember that it is better to stick to dog food than table food when weaning.
The latter lacks the specific nutrients that the former contains for pups.

Product consciousness

Be conscious of the product you introduce to your pup during the weaning process. It would help if you went with brands prioritizing taste, digestibility, and balanced and complete nutrition. Also, favor food brands that come in cereal-like iterations; the creamier-looking, the better.

Here’s a quick weaning guide:

  1. Separate your pup from their mother’s milk and give them formula milk instead.
  2. For the succeeding days, have pabulum added to the formula. This mixture should create a gravy-like outcome.
  3. The next thing you need to do is add soft dog chow into the sustenance and formula mix.
  4. Gradually remove the gravy-like mixture from your pup’s food to replace it with warm water.
  5. Add the mixture of water and soft, solid food on top of dry canine food.
  6. Progressively reduce the amount of soft wet food until dry food is left.

During this process, be mindful of how your pup reacts to the transition. If anything out of the ordinary is observed, consult your vet. If all things go smoothly, you are on the right track.

You should check out some of the internet’s exhaustive dog-raising guides and forums for added knowledge and wisdom. There is a lot you can learn from these materials.


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