Are you currently on the hunt for a canine pet? If you answered yes, the first order of business is deciding your preferred sex. Making a choice between a female and a male dog boils down to your personal priorities and inclinations.
The first thing you have to consider is whether you are amenable to having your canine companion neutered or spayed. Keep in mind that females that remain intact tend to be moodier. They go through a heat cycle at least twice each year, and these cycles last for at least 14 days.

Integral to these heat cycles are fluid and blood discharge. The amount of discharge varies from one female pup to another. Regardless of the intensity of your pup’s heat cycle-related discharge, you will still have to take extra care of your floor covers.

Now, if you decide to have your female pup spayed, it will cost more than having a male pup neutered. Spaying as a procedure is also significantly more intrusive compared to neutering.
Another thing you have to consider when opting for a female pup is how they pee. It is generally known that between female and male dogs belonging to the same breed, the former is always a little smaller. And they squat to pee, which could prove detrimental to the grass in your front yard.

Lastly, female pups from pet shops are relatively pricier compared to their male counterparts.
As for male pups, there are also a few things you must consider. First and foremost, if you do not want to have your pet neutered, they will be more prone to frequent marking. This means peeing wherever and whenever they feel the urge.

While a male pup that lifts its hind leg in order to pee somehow keeps the grass in your front yard safe, its peeing can prove harmful to your plant’s leaves or curated bushes. Chronic exposure to your male pup’s urine will eventually kill plant life in your garden.

Another major downside with males that are intact or “entire” is their persistence in pursuing in-heat female dogs. If there’s a female within your neighborhood going through her cycle, chances are your un-neutered male pup will go bonkers in trying to mate with them.

They will heed their natural instinct more than your orders.
In terms of aggression, un-neutered male pups also score high. They have the tendency to engage in doggy brawls. This is most true when your pup becomes sexually frustrated.

Fortunately, all the aforementioned concerns included in this article can easily be rectified by opting for these procedures: spaying and neutering.

A spayed female will no longer go through her heat cycle; thus, bloody discharge need not be your concern. Meanwhile, a neutered male will be less aggressive. Both sexes, once altered, will be less interested in doing grand escapes.

In the end, choosing between a female and a male pup is a matter of readiness. As a dog owner, you are responsible for the health and security of your pet. Regardless of which sex you eventually settle with, the important thing is you deliver what is expected of you as a pet parent.


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