Kai, a five-year-old boy with autism, rejects human touch. He hates being snuggled or come in close contact even with his immediate family members.

And it was tough for him to make friends, even if he tries to.

And it’s just as difficult for Kai’s mother, Shanna, to see her son rejecting human touch. While most kids his age would be making friends at the playground, Kai had to play alone. Sometimes, her son would spend many hours at night crying because of his condition.

The family has spent countless dollars on services, therapies, and diagnosis to help her son’s condition improve, but little did Shanna know that it only takes a service dog for Kai’s behavior to turn around.

Meeting Tornado

golden retriever, dog, canine

Shanna’s family live in Japan. They traveled halfway across the globe and went to Ohio so that Kai can finally meet Tornado, a trained service dog. Kai was paired with Tornado by the 4 Paws For Ability, a non-profit group that matches kids with disabilities to task-trained service canines.

Kai’s very first meeting with Tornado was a magical moment. The moment the dog entered the room, Kai immediately ran to him and hugged him. They had an instant connection with one another. Shanna couldn’t help shedding happy tears seeing how her son, who used to hate touch, is now freely hugging a dog.

Kai’s first best friend

dog, golden retriever, resting

“Never experienced a moment like it,” Shanna said. She recalls seeing her son go through and cry for several difficult moments. But the moment she saw her son strike an instant bond with the dog, she cried for a wildly different reason.

And as it turns out, Tornado has not become just Kai’s service dog, but also his very first best friend. The young boy and the dog both enjoy being around each other. There just seems to be an indescribable bond between the two.

Shanna is just so happy and thrilled to see how huge an impact Tornado has made on Kai’s life. And perhaps, this is just the beginning for more positive changes for Kai.

Watch the happy first meeting between Kai and Tornado in this Facebook video courtesy of 4 Paws For Ability.

La emoción de una madre al ver que su hijo autista se relaciona con su perroLa emoción de Shanna Niehaus, la madre de un niño autista, no conocía límites. Su pequeño, de cinco años y autista, se había sentado junto a su perro en una escena que ha quedado inmortalizada en las redes sociales."Nunca he experimentado un momento así. Mi hijo ha sido capaz de sentarse junto a su perro", ha explicado Niehaus a través de Facebook.Ha costado dos años, que son los que el animal, llamado Tornado, lleva con la familia. Pero al final ha sucedido: "La espera es larga pero este momento hace que valga la pena", cuenta la madre, que ni si quiera puede abrazar o tocar al pequeño.Hasta ahora el niño siempre había fracasado en sus intentos de relacionarse con las personas. Sin embargo, la presencia de Tornado lo ha cambiado todo: "Sé que todo va a estar bien. Es indescriptible, algo mágico".www.radiocaracol1047.blogspot.com.ar

Posted by FM Caracol 104.7 on Tuesday, October 25, 2016



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