The world is a whole of good-hearted people. No matter how corrupt the Earth may seem, one good heart is enough to influence kindness upon others. This 10-year-old boy proved that material attachment is nowhere near what the love of a dog can bring. In return, he proved his love for the dog by selling all his toys to earn money for his service dog’s treatment.
Connor is suffering from anxiety, PTSD, and chronic headache disorder. With the help of Copper the dog, who has been his service dog and a shoulder to rely on for comfort, Connor was also diagnosed with nocturnal seizures because of Copper’s keen and careful watch over the boy.

Copper was diagnosed with a developing limp in December 2017. Later, it was discovered to be Wobbler’s disease. This disease is generally found in large dogs like Copper, a Doberman. It is a condition wherein nerve roots and spinal cord are compressed, leading to neck pain and exposure to neurological diseases. One thing that characterizes this disease is the wobbly kind of walk a dog does.

Upon knowing that treating and caring for a dog with Wobbler’s disease, Connor held nothing back and immediately looked towards hosting a garage sale, with his toys as items to be sold. Aside from this humongous effort, he also made a lemonade stand and other treats as an income-generating project to pay back his friend’s treatment.
Jennifer, Connor’s mom, said he had cleaned the whole playroom because he wanted to. Connor is just that kind of kid.
A couple of years ago, Connor’s mom was awakened by Copper’s loud barking. She sensed that something terrible might be happening since the dog was just outside Connor’s room. If it hadn’t been for Copper’s attention to Connor, they wouldn’t have known that the boy was having his episode of nocturnal seizure.
Connor’s mom also said that nothing showed during the studies or reports. After all, seizures that happen at night are the most difficult to diagnose. When the seizures happened again right after a few weeks, Jennifer was able to record them on her camera, and she showed the footage to their neurologist. That way, Connor could get the correct diagnosis and the right medicines.

During anxiety attacks that the boy would experience, Copper would use his body similar to a weighted blanket by lying on top of the kid.

Jennifer also mentioned that Connor can now manage his seizures better this time. This is thanks to their pet, whom she calls their protector, faithful friend, and companion.
The good news is that since Cooper’s Cooper family initiated a campaign on GoFundMe for Cooper’s Cooper’s treatment, it raised $18,000. It only takes a ripple to start a wave. When people saw Connor’s dedication to saving the companion who saved him, they were quick to aid. With the amount collected, we can say that Copper and Connor’s friendship awaits an adventure with a long way to go.


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